Our Commitment to be Green

At Hercules, we believe that “going green” is absolutely the only way to go. An industry leader in both energy-efficient laundry room equipment — and in environmentally responsible business practices — we’re committed to doing all we can to protect our planet today, and for generations to come.

All new Hercules laundry rooms are designed to meet our exclusive “Clean Green” seal of approval standards in energy and resource savings. The policy mandates that the facilities we create have the smallest negative environmental footprint possible by effectively minimizing the use of water, gas and electricity.

To that end, we equip most laundry room locations with Maytag® Commercial Laundry Energy Advantage™ High-Efficiency (HE) Single-Load Front-Load Washers, the latest in energy efficient laundry equipment designed to reduce costs for the owner, and their impact on our environment. These new front-load washers:

  • Cut utility costs by up to 60 percent.
  • Are the only commercial laundry single-load washers to be ENERGY STAR® and CEE Tier III qualified, meaning that owners can save even more energy.
  • Feature a tinted polymer window that enables users to view clothes without opening the door or stopping the wash cycle—another energy saver.

Hercules also offers the ultimate in energy-efficient dryer technology: the exclusive Maytag TurboVent™ Technology.

“Clean Green” Policy

In addition to providing the latest in energy-efficient laundry room equipment, our “Clean Green” policy helps ensure that:

  • Our staff is trained by manufacturers to sell, lease and educate our customers as to the best energy efficient equipment that satisfies their particular laundry needs.
  • Laundry users are educated on the most economical ways to save energy.
  • Older, energy wasting washers and dryers currently in use are replaced with Energy Star or higher rated equipment.
  • Our service technicians are fully trained on optimizing wash and dry settings for maximum results with minimum energy usage.
  • More fuel-efficient vehicles are added into our service fleet.
  • Any leftover products are recycled back into the marketplace when appropriate rather than discarded.

See what a difference Hercules can make in your laundry room